About Us

We love God. We love people. We like to hike.

We're newly weds (May 2013) and recent college graduates from the University of Arkansas. Jeremy has a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice with a minor in Business. Dawn has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a concentration in Journalism. We currently reside in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We have a passion for the Lord, and live to see His kingdom come His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

The idea to thru-hike the AT came as a novelty a couple months before we got married. From then the Lord has increased it, and now it is a desire coming to fruition.

We are very blessed to have little obligations right now. We are at liberty to get up and go, and we will be doing just that! We look forward to the adventures that await us.


  1. Ginger and Gilligan!! It is Stride here! I wanted to touch base with you all...and share my trail journal link with y'all. I hope we can exchange email addresses here sometime soon. I know Hopeful desires to have it to be able to encourage and keep up with y'all. www.trailjournals.com/annetullycdt and/or www.annetully.wordpress.com are the two places I will be blogging. I pray you all continue to journey forth as a light on trail! I praise the Lord...and am grateful He has given y'all a desire to be out there!! Enjoy it. Hike Strong and Have Fun!! Taking It All In, Stride

  2. Hi Gilligan and Ginger, It's Bobwhite (Marie). I met you guys and the Killans on Tues/Wed after your half gallon challenge. I can't find your email address on your blog, please lemme know what it is: I would like to email you guys. Thanks!
