Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 7-11

Day 7 11-miles 04-06-14
Tray mt-top of Georgia hostel
Today started out cold and early. The hostel we were headed to had limited spots and before we ever left 8 people had already hit the trail. Knowing it was going to rain all the next night we hiked harder than we had all trip. We caught all 8 people and even some other stragglers. By 12:30 we had hiked all 11 miles and safely arrived. First on the list of things to do was shower. After 3.5 days of no shower and warm weather I smelled like a hot dumpster in August. Unfortunately we ended up getting our laundry done first. That put us in a awkward spot. All we had to wear was our rain gear, but we still needed to go to town with the 1pm shuttle to get groceries. For the first time in my life I went grocery shopping in nothing but sandals, rain pants, and a rain jacket. After a while I was used to the looks, but I was more interested in the food anyway. We got back to the hostel with 3-days of supply, took showers, and got our clean clothes back from the hostel mom. Then the greatest event of the trip happened; we were taken to an all you can eat pizza buffet!! I can honestly say I got my money's worth. After that we got taken back for some foots bathes, and then to bed. I slept in a warm dry bed and listened to the rain fall all night long. 

Day 8 17-miles 04-07-14
Top of Georgia hostel-standing Indian shelter
It's been a long rainy day. Not only was it our longest miles day, but it also rained constantly from the moment I walked out of the hostel and even now as I lay in my warm dry sleeping bag, it's still raining. All that said to say this, it has been a wonderful day. We hiked in a cloud basically all day, but we got in a lot of miles. WE ALSO COMPLETED OUR FIRST STATE!!! Only 13 more states to go. We had to sleep in our tent tonight since the shelter was already busting at the seams with hikers, but tomorrow it should be sunny and 65 so we will have ample opportunity to dry our wet tent and rain gear. Time for some rest. 

Day 9 16-miles 04-08-14
Standing Indian shelter-Long Branch
It has been the best of times so far and the worst of times so far. This morning started out cold and wet. We finally started to break camp at 8. As we were putting the tent away and as we lifted the foot print to fold it the wind caught it in such a way that mud flew all over me. I was pretty upset with the situation in that moment but Dawn helped bring me through. This trail is teaching me a lesson in patients. We hiked all day, which was fairly sunny, to a shelter full of friends. One guy who has been hiking with his dad brought ingredients for s'mores as a going away party since his dad has to leave us tomorrow. We ate tons of food and joked around the camp fire for a couple hours. Now I once again lay in my trusty warm sleeping bag. Reflecting back on the last nine days I've had the chance to share the love of Christ with over 10 people. It's been so nice to tell people of the love and mercy, there is a visible relief. Some people have only heard condemnation as a form of gospel. But Romans teaches us that it's the goodness of God not the judgement of men that will bring a man to Jesus. I'm content that I'm not responsible for judging. My job and the job of every Christian is to share the love of Christ, and I'm happy to do it. 

Day 10 18-miles 04-09-14
Long Branch-wayah shelter
Today was a long day filled with beautiful views and sites. At lunch today we ate completely from a strangers generosity. A section hiker who had finished their section went and bought a ton of food to give to hikers. As we walked up to where we planned to have lunch he was waiting for us with all kinds of fruit and nice things we don't normally have. We saw our first glimpse of the smokies. A formidable monolith rising out of the north. Many people have been speaking cautionary tales of those mountains, but we plan to not linger in them. They are home to some crazy weather. We also hiked past the group we've been with for the last 4 days. Since two new sleeping pads are waiting for us 17 miles from our current camp site, we are hiking hard to get there. They will be so much more comfortable. All in all it was a great day!

Day 11 17-miles 04-10-14
Wayah shelter-NOC
This morning we got up really early in order to make it to the NOC aka natahala outdoor center. We pushed hard since our new sleeping pads would be here and the store closes at 4. Upon arrival it was a worst case scenario. Not only had we just hiked 17-miles, there was no tent or hostel space available. We sat down, collected our thoughts, and decided that we would have to hike back a mile to the last camping site. As we started back we ran across one of the family's we had been hiking with. Bless their souls!! They are allowing us to cram into their little room! Not only are they letting us do that, but they gave us key cards that give us access to the showers and kitchen area. We are living large!! After 4 days of no shower or washing clothes we were both so happy to be clean. We also acquired our sleeping pads, and are now resting on some brand new NEMO ZOR pads. Tomorrow we are going to hitch a ride to a nearby city to get some food since the store here doesn't have squat. Life goes easy. 

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